ProtCAD provides coordinates in mmCIF format and text files of clusters. Both can be downloaded from the cluster page. Two PyMOL scripts are included in downloaded coordinate files to visualize assemblies. The default structure alignment method in PyMOL is used to align assemblies.

(OTCase_N)-(OTCase) clusters

  • Coordinates

    All assemblies are in mmCIF format. Assemblies of a cluster can be downloaded by clicking the cluster ID. Assemblies of all clusters can be downloaded from the link button "Download All Cluster Assembly Coordinates" at the right top of the table.

    (OTCase_N)-(OTCase) clusters

  • PyMOL script files

    Two types of PyMOL scripts are included with the downloaded coordinates. They are only different in the object names. In one script file (groupid_clusterid.pml), a PyMOL object is named after the assembly, in the other one (*_unp.pml), a PyMOL object is named after the UniProts and the assembly.

    Peptidase_C30 clusters

  • Cluster text The text file contains the cluster summary table and its assemblies table in a cluster page.