This page shows how to query by one Uniprot and multiple Uniprots in UniProts search page by using BCL2 human protein (UniProt: BCL2_HUMAN) as an example.

One Uniprot

If input one Uniprot, ProtCID assigns Pfams to the protein, and returns a Cytoscape figure of the interactions between the input protein and all its interacting proteins including itself (UniProts) in the PDB, either by Pfams or by structures. "Interfaces on structures" means those interactions must occur in PDB crystals, while "Interfaces on Pfams" include the interactions in related PDB crystals containing the input Uniprot and those interactions in homologous proteins containing same Pfams of the input Uniprot.

Example: BCL2_HUMAN and "Interfaces on Pfams".

Click the link "Pfam assignments of input UniProts" to view the Pfam assignments of the input Uniprot and its interacting Uniprots.

Click any UniProt to view PDB structures containing this UniPort. There are 28 structures in PDB containing B2L11 human protein.

Click the link "More interaction data in table format" to view the Pfam architectures and the Pfam interactions of the input Uniprot and its interacting Uniprots. The column "Pfam Pair No" can be clicked to go to the Pfam pair page and Pfam interface cluster page.

Click any integer number in the column of "Pfam Pair No" leads to the page of structures of Pfam-Pfam pair.

Multiple Uniprots

If input a set of UniProts, there are two types of interactions: "First to All" and "All to All", either by Pfams or by structures.

Example: BCL2_HUMAN and its interactors were collected from BCL2_HUMAN entry page on UniProt. "Interfaces on Pfams" was selected.

Click the link "Pfam assignments of input UniProts" to view the Pfam assignments of the input Uniprots.

Click the link "More interaction data in table format" to view the Pfam architectures and the Pfam interactions of the input Uniprots. The column "Pfam Pair No" can be clicked to go to the Pfam pair page and Pfam interface cluster page.