Column Annotation
Pfam Arch Pfam architectures having clusters with M >= cutoff, R_CF_UNPclus>=0.7.
ClusterID The integer number for a cluster with M >= cutoff, R_CF_UNPclus>=0.7.
Symmetry The symmetry of an assembly, e.g. C1 (asymmetric), Cn (cyclic symmetry, n>=2), Dn (dihedral symmetry)
Stoichiometry The stoichiometry of an assembly, e.g. A (monomer), A4 (homo tetramer), AB (hetero dimer), A3B3 (hetero hexamer)
CF_clus The number of distinct crystal forms (CFs) in a cluster
CF_arch The number of CFs in a Pfam architecture
ENT_clus The number of entries in a cluster
UNP_clus The number of UniProts in a cluster
ENT_arch The number of entries in a Pfam architecture
UNP_arch The number of UniProts in a Pfam architecture
SeqID The minimum sequence identity of a cluster.
R_CF_UNPclus R_CF_UNPclus = CF_UNPclus/CF_UNParch (#CFs of UniProts in a cluster divided by #CFs of these same UniProts in the Pfam architecture)
R_PDB R_PDB = PDBBA/ENT_clus (#Entries that have any PDB biological assemblies (BA) in a cluster divided by #Entries in the cluster)
R_EPPIC R_EPPIC = EPPICBA/ENT_clus (#Entries that have EPPIC "bio" assemblies in a cluster divided by #Entries in the cluster)
R_PISA R_PISA = PISABA/ENT_clus (#Entries that have PISA biological assemblies in a cluster divided by #Entries in the cluster)