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PDB/PQS BU Comparison

Category Table Names Columns Description Example
SCOP ScopDomain SunID Unique number for SCOP domain 42538
PdbID 4-character PDB code 1d1w
OldScopID SCOP code replaced by SunID d1d1wa_
Class SCOP class d
Fold SCOP fold 174
Superfamily SCOP superfamily 1
Family SCOP family 1
Protein SCOP protein number in the family based on the hierarchical tree node order 1
Species SCOP species number in the protein based on the hierarchical tree node order 4
ScopDomainPos SunID Unique number for SCOP domain 42538
Chain Author chain ID A
StartPos start residue number of domain - (whole chain)
EndPos end residue number of domain - (whole chain)
ScopDescription Class SCOP class d
Fold SCOP fold 174
Superfamily SCOP superfamily 1
Family SCOP family 1
Protein SCOP protein number in the family based on the hierarchical tree node order -
Species SCOP species number in the protein based on the hierarchical tree node order -
Description name of the level Nitric oxide (NO) synthase oxygenase domain
PDB PdbEntry PdbID 4-characters PDB code 1d1w
NumOfLigandAtoms Number of ligand atoms 179
Method Experimental method X-ray diffraction
Resolution Resolution 2.0
R_Factor Work R factor 0.204
Free R_Factor Free R factor 0.25
Length_a Length in dimension a in cryst1 58.46
Length_b Length in dimension b in cryst1 106.32
Length_c Length in dimension c in cryst1 156.33
Angle_Alpha Alpha angle in cryst1 90
Angle_Beta Beta angle in cryst1 90
Angle_Gamma Gamma angle in cryst1 90
Z_PDB The number of molecules in cryst1 8
SpaceGroup Space group in cryst1 P 21 21 2
PdbBuGen PdbID 4-characters PDB code 1d1w
AsymID Asymmetric chain ID A
BiolUnitID Biological unit ID 1
SymOpNum Symmetry operation number 1
SymString Symmetry operation string 555
FullSymString Full symmetry operation string X,Y,Z
EntryKeywords PdbID 4-characters PDB code 1d1w
Keyword keywords Oxidoreductase
BiolUnit PdbID 4-characters PDB code 1d1w
AsymID Asymmetric chain ID A
BiolUnitID Biological unit ID 1
NumOfMols Number of asymmetric chain copies 1
AsymUnit PdbID 4-characters PDB code 1d1w
AsymID Asymmetric chain ID A
AuthorChainID Author named chain ID A
EntityID Entity number 1
IsModified Asymmetric chain is modified or not N
PolymerStatus Entity is a polymer or not polymer
PolymerType Polymer Type polypeptide(L)
NameSource The source of name (SwissProt, RCSB and PDB) sws
Name Entity name Nitric-oxide synthase, endothelial
Sequence Residue sequence skip (sequence too long)
SequenceInCoord Residue sequence with coordinate skip (sequence too long)
PdbModRes PdbID 4-characters PDB code 9wga
ModResID Unique code of modified residues ModRes1
AsymID Asymmetric chain ID A
ModRes Modified residue PCA
StdRes Standard residue GLU
SeqID Residue sequence number 1
AuthorChain Author named chain ID A
AuthorRes Author named residue name PCA
AuthorSeqID Author named residue sequence number  1
Details Description of modification  Pyroglutamic acid
PdbCovale PdbID 4-characters PDB code  9rub
CovaleID Unique code of covalent  covale1
CovaleAsymID Covalent asymmetric chain ID  A
CovaleCompID Covalent compound name  LYS
CovaleSeqID Covalent sequence ID  191
CovaleAtomID Covalent atom ID  NZ
AttachAsymID Attached asymmetric chain ID  G
AttachCompID Attached compound name  CBX
AttachSeqID Sequence ID in the attached chain  -
AttachAtomID Atom ID in the attached chain  C
AuthorCovaleAsymID Covalent author chain ID  A
AuthorCovaleCompID Covalent author compound name  CBX
AuthorCovaleSeqID Author sequence ID of covalent  191
AuthorAttachAsymID Attached author chain ID A
AuthorAttachCompID Attached compound name CBX
AuthorAttachSeqID Author sequence ID of  attached residue 191
PQS PqsPdbChainMap PdbID 4-characters PDB code 1d1w
PqsBiolUnitID Biological unit ID from PQS  1
PqsChainID PQS chain ID  C
PdbChainID The corresponding author chain in PDB  _
PdbChainID The corresponding author chain in PDB  _
SymOpNum The symmetry operator number in the space group 1
FullSymString The full symmetry string X,Y,Z
PqsBuStat PdbID 4-characters PDB code 1d1w
PqsBiolUnitID Biological unit ID 1
IsXPack The macro molecule is cystal packing 0
BiolClass Is this homo multimer 1
BiolType Multimer type Dimer
NumChains Number of chains in the macro molecule 2
NumResid Number of residues in the macro molecule 830
NumHBonds Number of hydro bonds in the macro molecule 179
DeltaAsa Difference of ASA 3080
DeltaSole Difference of solvent ASA -36.03
NumSs The number of sulfate bridge 0
NumSaltbridge The number of salt bridge 1
NumBuried The number of buried 0
BiolScore The score for biological unit 0.595
IsHighRms Is it high RMS 0
BiolForm Chain format of the biological unit [A2]
PDB Hit RedundantPdbChains PdbID1 Representative PDB code  1d0c
ChainID1 Representative PDB author chain ID  A
PdbID2 Redundant PDB code  1d1w
ChainID2 Redundant PDB author chain  A
PsiBlastHit QueryEntry Query PDB code  1d0c
QueryChain Query author chain ID  A
HitEntry Hit PDB code return by PSI BLAST 1dd7
HitChain Hit author chain ID  A
QueryLength Total residue number of query sequence  444
HitLength Total residue number of hit sequence  389
Identity Identity percentage between query and hit 63
AlignmentLength Alignment length  377
E_value E value  0
QueryStart Alignment start residue number of query  68
QueryEnd Alignment end residue number of query  444
HitStart Alignment start residue number of Hit  1
HitEnd Alignment end residue number of Hit  37
PDB/PQS BU Comp PdbPqsBuComp PdbID 4-characters of PDB code 1d1w
PdbBuID PDB biological unit ID 1
PqsBuID PQS biological unit ID 1
PdbInterfaceNum The number of interfaces in PDB biological unit 1
PqsInterfaceNum The number of interfaces in PQS biological unit 1
IsSame Are two biological units same 1
PdbPqsBuInterfaces PdbID 4-characters of PDB code 1d1w
PdbBuID PDB biological unit ID 1
PqsBuID PQS biological unit ID 1
PdbBuChain1 Asymmetric chain with symmetry operator in the interface A_1_555
PdbBuChain2 Asymmetric chain with symmetry operator in the interface B_1_555
PqsBuChain1 PQS chain in the interface A
PqsBuChain2 PQS chain in the interface B
QScore Q score 1.0