ProtCID provides two types of Pfam interactions networks.
Pfam interaction network
A Pfam interaction network is displayed by Cytoscape web,
which shows the interactions between the input Pfam and its interacting Pfams in the PDB. Each node is a Pfam,
each edge is annotated by the number of structures containing the Pfam-Pfam interaction.
The larger the number is, the closer the Pfam is to the center Pfam.
You may drag a Pfam node to any place in the web page. You may use the tool box at the bottom of right to move, zoom in/out the picture.
A tool tip will show up when you point to a Pfam node, which gives you the number of structures containing this Pfam.
You can click each Pfam to get the list of PDB structures in the Pfam,
or click the number of the edge to get the list of PDB structures containing the Pfam-Pfam interaction.
Pfam-Pfam networks
A Pfam-Pfam interaction network is connected by a common interface in at least two crystal forms. Each node is a Pfam,
An edge is labeled by the number of crystal forms, the number of PDB entries,
and the minimum sequence identity (which is shown in parentheses) in the largest cluster.
